Special Thanks - Voyager Sohail Agha, Rex Arthur, Lissa Cobetto, Sally Davidoff, Dave Ekrem, Dennis Gagne, Peter Girardi, Colin Holgate, Julia Jones, Lee Kline, Carla Lalli, Mothra, Kerry Mullett, Dr. David Panush, Elizabeth Scarborough, Beth Crippen Strauss. Invisible Universe - Created by Dr. Fiorella Terenzi Music based on Acoustic Astronomy: transforming electromagnetic radiation from galaxies into sound. Techniques and electronic realization by Dr. Fiorella Terenzi. Arranged and produced by F. Menardi Scientific Consultants and Writers Dr. Robert L. Hurt, Astronomer, University of California, Riverside Daryl Parker, Graduate Student, Dept. of Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles and practicing law with the firm of Mahoney, Coppenrath and Jaffe Gregory van Eekout, Graduate Student, Educational Media and Computers, Arizona State University Lisa M. Will, Graduate Student, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Arizona State University Dr. Steven J. Smith, Visiting Scientist, Walter Orr Roberts Institute, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research L. Suzanne Casement, Graduate Student Researcher, Department of Astronomy and Physics, University of California, Los Angeles Dr. Jo Eliza Pitesky, Member of Technical Staff, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA Scott Evans, Graduate Student, Dept. of Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles Theodore C. Clark, Member of Technical Staff, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA Thank you to the following astronomical facilities for their major contribution Smithsonian Institution Astrophysical Observatory Center for Astrophysics, Harvard University National Optical Astronomy Observatories National Radio Astronomy Observatory Infrared Processing and Analysis Center, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA Observatorio Astronomico Brera, Milan Center for Extreme Ultraviolet Astrophysics, University of California, Berkeley Space Telescope Science Institute, Hubble Space Telescope Thanks to Prof. Mark Morris, Dr. Robert Hurt, Daryl Parker, Steven J. Smith, Gregory van Eekout, Lisa M. Will, Susi Casement, Jo Eliza Pitesky, Daryl Battaglia, Fabrizio Menardi, David Reisner and all the people at Voyager Design Consultants The Voyager Company, Dr. Robert L. Hurt, David Reisner For Merchandise Catalogue, including Invisible Universe CD-ROM Invisible Universe Music CD Music from the Galaxies Music CD on Island Records T-shirts, and more CONTACT: World Wide Web: http://www.fiorella.com e-mail: fiorella@fiorella.com Phone: 1-800-71GALAXY (1-800-714-2529) Write to Dr. Terenzi at Dr. Fiorella Terenzi P.O. Box 34182 Los Angeles CA 90034 USA e-mail: fiorella@fiorella.com Contact Voyager at The Voyager Company 578 Broadway #406 New York NY 10012 Phone: (212) 431-5199 e-mail: 3sixty@voyagerco.com IMAGES National Optical Astronomy Observatories NGC 2207 NGC 4567 ESO B138 The Mice 3C 275.1 Quasar 0351 NGC 4319 M20 (T. Boroson) M8 Ring Nebula M16 30 Doradus Sombrero Galaxy M94 NGC 6302 NGC 5364 M74 NGC 1872 NGC 5383 NGC 4631 NGC 4762 M27 (W. Schoening/ N. Sharp) M91 NGC 4156 M90 M92 M3 M15 NGC 55 NGC 5139 NGC 1851 NGC 457 NGC 3293 (NOAO/CTIO, Gabriel Martin) Coma Cluster Centaurus Cluster Stephan's Quintet Perseus Cluster Pisces Cluster Abel 370 M88 NGC 7603 NGC 1232 NGC 4647 Small Magellanic Cloud NGC 4485 NGC 4038 NGC 5394 NGC 4435 NGC 2276 Fornax A NGC 1097 NGC 1275 II Zwicky 23 4C41.17 NGC 4622 M32 NGC 4753 NGC 6946 M33 M64 M49 NGC 6744 NGC 7331 NGC 3077 NGC 2685 NGC 3718 Centaurus A - visible Cassiopeia A - visible Crab Nebula - visible Tycho SN - visible NGC 7293 Arp 297 NGC 1530 NGC 2146 M67 Keyhole Nebula - visible NGC 4603 M5 M81 Markarian 231 NGC 4535 M17 - visible M17 (Dr. Ian Gatley, Dr. Charles Lada, Univ. Of Arizona) M17 - infrared (Dr. Ian Gatley) Large Magellanic Cloud - visible NGC 3310 - visible M82 - visible Galactic Center - visible Orion Nebula - visible Sun - visible Andromeda - visible Puppis A Virgo Cluster - visible M84 - visible M87 - visible M87 30 Doradus NGC 2237 NGC 6946 (W. Schoening, N. Sharp) NGC 6522 Hercules Cluster (N.A. Sharp) Perseus Cluster NGC 2024 - infrared (I. Gatley, R. Probst) M 15 - visible 3C 273 - visible Milky Way- visible M51 - visible (NOAO/N.A. Sharp) SN 1987a - visible 47 Tucanae Veil Nebula - visible Comet Iras/Araki/Alcock - visible Comet Iras/Araki/Alcock - H-alpha Kitt Peak National Observatory Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory Charged Coupled Device Light pollution at Kitt Peak National Radio Astronomy Observatory Quasar 1007-417 (F.N. Owen, J.J. Puschell) Quasar MG 1654 + 1346 (Glen Langston) NGC 4565 (M. Rupen, J. van Gorkom, G. Knapp, J. E. Gunn) NGC 4216 (E. Fomalont, R. Ekers, K. Ebneter, W. van Breugel) MG 1131 + 0456 (J.N. Hewitt, E.L. Turner) Centaurus A - radio (J.O. Burns, E.J. Schreier, E.D. Feigelson) Cassiopeia A (A.S.Wilson, D.E. Hogg, H.H. Samarasinha) Crab Nebula - radio Tycho SN - visible/radio Tycho SN - radio (S.P Reynolds/R.A. Chavalier) PKS 2104-25 M17 - radio (M. Felli/K.J. Johnston/E.B. Churchwell) 3C 75 - visible (F.N. Owen, R.A. White) 3C 75 - radio (F.N. Owen, C.P. O'Dea, M. Inoue) M82 - radio (P. P. Kronberg, P.L. Biermann, F.R. Schwab) Galactic Center - radio (F. Yusef-Zadeh, M.R. Morris, D.R. Chance) NGC 3310 (N. Duric/E.R. Seaquist, P.C. Crane, L.E. Davis) RAO (F. Yusef-Zadeh, M.R. Morris, D.R. Chance) Galactic Center (F. Yusef-Zadeh) Galactic Center (W.M. Goss, R.D. Ekers, J.H. van Gorkom, U.J. Scharz) Jupiter - radio (I. de Pater) Veil Nebula - H-alpha (W. Straka, J. Dickel, W. Blair, R. Fesen) NGC 3310 - (N. Duric, E.R. Seaquist, P.C. Crane, L.E. Davis) NGC 784 (A.W. Roots, J.W. Goad) Orion Nebula - radio (F. Yusef-Zadeh) Orion Nebula - (F. Yusef-Zadeh) Orion Nebula - (Jeffrey G. Magnum, Alwyn Wootten, Robert B. Loren, E. James Wadiak) Sun - radio (G.A. Dulk, D.E. Gary) Andromeda - radio (R.M. Hjellming, L.L. Smarr) Andromeda - (Robert Braun) Cygnus A - radio (R.A. Perley, J.W. Dreher, J.J. Cowan) Cygnus A - radio (R.A. Perley, J.W. Dreher, J.J. Cowan) Cygnus A - reduction data (R.A. Perley, J.W. Dreher) Virgo Cluster - radio (C.J. Forman, W.R. Forman, J.H. van Gorkom, C.G. Kotanyi) M84 - radio (R.A. Laing, A.H. Bridle) M87 - radio (F.N. Owen, D.C. Hines) M87 - (F.N. Owen, J.A. Biretta, P.E. Hardee) SS433 - radio (W.S. Gilmore, E.R. Seaquist, J.T. Stocke, P.C. Crane) 3C 130 - radio (E.B. Fomalont, R.A. Perley, A.H. Bridle, A.G. Willis) NGC 7016/NGC 1018 - radio (D. Carter, R.A. Cameron, G.V. Bicknell) NGC 40 - radio (Robert M. Hjellming, R. Carl Bignell, Bruce Balick) M83 (R.J. Allen, P.D. Atherton, R.P.J. Tilanus) Markarian 348 (S.M. Simkin, J.H. van Gorkom, H.J.. Su Hercules A (J.W. Dreher, E.D. Feigelson) NGC 7252 - hydrogen (John Hibbard, Jacqueline van Gorkom, Linda Schweizer) Milky Way - hydrogen M51 - hydrogen M51 - radio Very Large Array Radiotelescope (Geoffrey R. Chester) Smithsonian Institution Astrophysical Observatory From C. Jones, C. Stern, W. Forman: Centaurus A - X-ray Cassiopeia A - X-ray Keyhole Nebula - X-ray M82 - X-ray Galactic Center - X-ray Abell 1367 - visible Abell 1367 - X-ray Rho Ophiuchi - X-ray Orion Nebula - X-ray Andromeda - X-ray Puppis A - X-ray Cygnus A - X-ray Virgo Cluster - X-ray M87 - X-ray SS433 - X-ray Perseus Cluster and Crab Nebula - X-ray (R. Harnden) Jupiter - X-ray (Metzger) Sun - X-ray (Leon Golub) Puppis A - visible (Robert Kirshner) Milky Way - molecular clouds M51 - X-ray SN 1987a - H-Alpha AXAF I NASA Crab Nebula and Vela pulsar, Goddard Space Flight Center (C. Fichtel) Orion Nebula Gamma Ray Observatory JET PROPULSION LABORATORY, NASA: Mercury Venus Earth Moon Mars Jupiter Io Europa Ganimede Callisto Saturn Enceladus Titan Tethys Mimas Rhea Dione Uranus Neptune Jupiter (JPL/NASA) Jupiter's satellites Andromeda - visible Space Telescope Science Institute, Hubble Space Telescope, NASA Tarantula Nebula NGC 7252 - visible NGC 7252 - comparison M15 - detail 3C 273 - detail Eta Carinae - star 30 Doradus 30 Doradus - star field M32 NGC 4261 Arp 220 NGC 1741 Markarian 315 Einstein Cross NGC 5728 SN 1987a - ultraviolet M100 NGC 1068 NGC 1275 Shoemaker Levy 9 - visible Shoemaker Levy 9 - infrared Shoemaker Levy 9 - ultraviolet Pluto and Charon Hubble Space Telescope Infrared Processing and Analysis Center, NASA Keyhole Nebula - infrared Large Magellanic Cloud - infrared Galactic Center - infrared Abell 1367 - infrared Orion Nebula - infrared Orion Nebula Andromeda - infrared Milky Way - infrared Milky Way -IRAS point sources M 51 - infrared Comet Iras/Araki/Alcock - infrared IRAS Satellite EUVE, Center for Extreme Ultraviolet Astrophysics, University of California, Berkeley Veil Nebula Milky Way EUVE 47 Tucanae Jupiter comet impact Sun SN 1987a Observatiorio Astronomico Di Brera, Milano, Italy Johannes Hevelius, Prodromus astronomiae cum catalogo fixarum, Gedani, 1690 Giovanni Giacomo Marini, De astronomica specula domestica et organico apparatu astronomico libri duo, Viennae, 1745 Johannes Gabriel Doppelmaiera, Atlas coelestis, Norimbergae, 1742 Johannes Hevelius, Machina coelestis, Gedani 1673 Thyco Brahe, Astronomiae instauratae mechanica, Norimbergae, 1602 Johannes Hevelius, Selenographia sive Lunae descriptio, Gedani, 1647 Additional Images M82 - H-alpha (Timothy M. Heckman, John Hopkins University) Rho Ophiuchi - visible (Richard Dreise, Yerkes Observatory) Orion Nebula - molecular clouds (R. J. Maddalena, M. Morris, J Moscowitz, P. Thaddeus) Elias 32/33 (L. S. Casement, I. S. Mc Lean, UCLA) Puppis A (Claude R. Canivarez, MIT) Maffei 2 - visible (Hryon Spinrad, University of California, Berkeley) Cygnus A - optical (Prof. Stockon, Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii) SS433 - optical (B. Margon) W50 (Barry Geldzahler, Tom Pauls and Chris Salter, George Mason University) Elias 32/33 (L.S. Casement, I.S. Mc Lean, UCLA, Depts of Astronomy and Physics) Sun - ultraviolet (Naval Research Laboratory) Milky Way - HEAO A-1 X-ray (Naval Research Laboratory) Milky Way - soft x-ray map (Dan Mc Cammon, Burrows, Sanders, Kraushaar, Physics Dept., University of Wisconsin) Shoemaker-Levy 9 - infrared (Keck Observatory) All Maffei 2 images (Robert L. Hurt, UC Riverside) except Maffei 2 - visible + NGC1300 (Caltech/Palomar Observatory) Photos of Dr. Fiorella Terenzi by Sunny Bak HPopupMenu 3.3 © 1989-94 by Jon Pugh jonpugh@netcom.com VIDEO JPL - planetary video NASA - electromagnetic spectrum POETRY The publisher gratefully acknowledges permission to reprint material from the following sources. Where no credit is given, every effort was made to contact the copyright owner and secure permission. “El Hombre” from Collected Poems 1909­1939 vol. 1 by William Carlos Williams. Copyright © 1938 by New Directions Publishing Corp. Reprinted by permission of New Directions Publishing Corp. “Stars at Tallapoosa” from Collected Poems of Wallace Stevens. Copyright © 1923 and renewed 1951 by Wallace Stevens. Used by permission of Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. “Full Moon” by Elinor Wylie. Copyright © by Elinor Wylie. Used by permission of Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. “Lunar Baedeker” by Mina Loy. Reprinted by permission of Roger L. Conover, Literary Executor of the Estate of Mina Loy “Sun Song” from Selected Poems of Langston Hughes. Copyright © 1994 by the Estate of Langston Hughes. Reprinted by permission of Harold Ober Associates Incorporated “Song for the Northern Quarter” from Time and the White Tigress by Mary Barnard. Copyright © by Mary Barnard. Reprinted by permission of Breitenbush Books, Inc. “Stars” from Collected Poems of Robert Hayden edited by Frederick Glaysher. Copyright © 1985 by Erma Hayden. Reprinted by permission of Liveright Publishing Corporation “The Robber Moon” from Selected Poems by Robert Duncan. Copyright © by The Literary Estate of Robert Duncan. Reprinted by permission of The Literary Estate of Robert Duncan “Two Astronomers with Notebooks” from The Holy Forest by Robin Blaser. Copyright © 1993 by Robin Blaser. Reprinted by permission of Coach House Press “Intermission I” from The Collected Books of Jack Spicer. Copyright © 1975 by the Estate of Jack Spicer. Reprinted with the permission of Black Sparrow Press “How to Tell Distances” from Selected Poems of Keith Waldrop. Copyright © by Keith Waldrop. Reprinted by permission of Lost Roads Press “Planetary Exchange” by Amiri Baraka. Copyright © by Amiri Baraka. Reprinted by permission of Sterling Lord Literistic, Inc. “Two Years Later” from Selected Poems: 1958­1984 by John Wieners. Copyright © 1986 by John Wieners. Reprinted with the permission of Black Sparrow Press “A Theory of the Universe” from Sleepwalker’s Fate: New and Selected Poems 1965­1991 by Tom Clark. Copyright © 1992 by Tom Clark. Reprinted with the permission of Black Sparrow Press “Sonnet (‘You read about Uranus in the Times today?’)” from Sonnets by Bernadette Mayer. Copyright © by Bernadette Mayer. Reprinted by permission of Tender Buttons “Magic Lantern” from The Invention of the Zero by Richard Kenney. Copyright © by Richard Kenney. Reprinted by permission of the author “Compline” from Hours of the Book by Peter Gizzi. Copyright © by Peter Gizzi. Reprinted by permission of the author Galactically Yours, Dr. Fiorella Terenzi